Sunburn Soothers: 5 Natural & Cooling Remedies

Written by: Marketing Team


Time to read 1 min


Summertime is fast-approaching, which means many of us will be soaking up as much sunshine as possible. If you happen to forget your sunscreen and find yourself with a painful red hue, don’t panic! There are a number of natural remedies for soothing sunburned skin.

5 Natural & Cooling Remedies for Soothing Sunburn

1. Drink Up.

Staying hydrated is always essential, but it’s especially helpful when you’re trying to soothe damaged skin. A refreshing glass of ice water will cool you down and deliver much needed moisture back into your skin.

Photo by Amy Gedgaudas

2. Keep Cool.

Cucumbers aren’t just for salads! They’re rich in vitamin K–known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties–and can also provide healing relief to scorched skin. To get the benefits, slice up a chilled cucumber and place the slices on affected areas. Flip them over once the first side is no longer cool.

Photo by Amy Gedgaudas

3. Moisturize.

Sunburn dries out your skin so slather on some unscented moisturizer to not only hydrate, but also repair damaged skin and prevent peeling. We recommend SkinAgain’s Relief cream, one of the newest additions to the Vegan Cuts marketplace and a cruelty-free, soothing solution for sunburned skin.

4. Embrace Plants.

Aloe plants are handy to have around for minor burns and skin irritations. Simply squeeze the gel from a leaf and apply gently to sunburned areas on your skin. Make sure not to rub it in completely; the gel acts as a shield to prevent your skin from drying out and getting further aggravated. If you don’t have an aloe plant, you can purchase aloe vera gel at the drugstore.

5. Take a Soak.

Oatmeal baths soften and soothe tender, damaged skin. Fill your tub with tepid water–too hot a temp will pull moisture from your skin and further irritate sunburned areas–and add 1-2 cups of uncooked oats to a clean, cotton tube sock. Tie the top of the sock closed with string and toss it in the tub. Once it’s saturated, gently squeeze the sock to release a cloud of healing goodness. Repeat as needed. Pat, don’t rub, skin dry when you exit the tub.

Photo by Amy Gedgaudas

What are your favorite tips for soothing sunburn?

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