Your Purchase Will Support Your Favorite Cause <3
The Vegancuts Donation Program is a result of our desire to support the important work happening at animal sanctuaries across the U.S.
Each month, with each of our subscription boxes (the Snack Box and the Beauty 80x), we highlight an animal sanctuary and some of their beautiful residents on the insert in the box. In addition, a portion of sales from each box goes directly to support the sanctuary.
Current Featured Sanctuaries
Your purchase directly supports these animals.
Sanctuary For The Month Of August
These boxes support Hellen, Dorothy, and friends, at Chicken Butt Microsanctuary in Oakdale, MN.
Past featured Sanctuaries
Our subscribers make it possible for us to support so many animals and sanctuaries. We couldn’t do it without you!
Support Now with a Vegancuts Box
Nominate a Sanctuary
We love connecting with our community to find ways to make a positive impact. To nominate a sanctuary that you would like to be a part of our donation program
email us at