“Industrial vegan” came from the television show “The Hustler,” where five contestants unite to answer a series of trivia questions. The goal is to build and win a collective prize that increases with every correct answer.
One of those five contestants is the “Hustler” – a person who knows the answers but keeps them a secret. They aim to win the prize in the end, which will happen only if the rest don’t find out who the Hustler is.
Syd, who was the Hustler in one of the show’s episodes, identified herself as an industrial vegan. She explained in the end credits that industrial vegan means when a person is trying to stay away from eating any food grown or raised industrially.
She also created a Youtube video (see below) in which she gave more information on why she chose to call herself an industrial vegan.
After some research, I found no official or exact definition except the one she mentioned. So it seems that she made up the term to describe her diet.